make more wishes

I Ain't Got No Friends
1 min readDec 9, 2019

in moments of extreme aplomb
go to where the flowers are falling
into the water
and imagine
how the water must feel
and you may
find yourself
going where the water has always gone
going to the place where time is timeless
where the vertical channels
all seem the same

i watch her spin
and wish on the moon
and have conversations with the moon
the water spins
time spins
the earth spins
everything spins
and she spins
as i press forward
come on come on come on
and she comes
but the natural inclination
is to stop
and look and maybe turn around
and maybe turn around again
and maybe go over here
and then there
and maybe turn around
and turn around again

what is natural?

and i wonder
why the water does it
wastes its time
and not just get to where it’s trying
to flow
but it spins
and takes some time to spin,
so does she
and when she spins
there are dances
and songs
and treasures found

and maybe that’s why
the water spins
maybe it spins
it’s electrifying
the way you go to the flow
is to spin
and spin
and spin.

